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A nerve cell, transmitting specialized nerve impulses.
Transmitting impulses to the brain from the retina at the back of the eye.
Front of the brain
The area of the brain tasked with the reception
A pair of tweezers used in a labortory
A small knife with a detachable blade
A neural structure of the vertebrate
This is the lobe that processes visual information
Top of the brain
A slender flexible rod with a blunt at the end
The part of each hemisphere of the brain located behind the forehead that serves to regulate and mediate the higher intellectual functions
The part of each hemisphere of the brain located behind the forehead that serves to regulate and mediate the higher intellectual functions
Bottom of the brain
The X-shaped structure formed at the point below the brain where the two optic nerves cross over each other
The lobe of the cerebral hemisphere located down on the side just forward of the occipital
The central trunk of the brain.
The area of the brain that is tasked with the correlation of sensory information in the brain
Protective eyewear
The back part of the brain in the skull
This is the lobe that also processes visual information
The principle and most interior part of the brain
Back of the brain
The tough outermost membrane of the brain