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Civics Crossword puzzle

Because National government couldn't supply a National currency, congress then had no national __________.
This amendment doesn't allow soldiers in yr house with unreasonable search and seizure.
A goal of the preamble is to ensure domestic _________.
Amendment sic focuses on ________ cases.
The Judicial power of the US is given to the _______ _______.
A goal of the preamble is to secure the blessing of _______ to ourselves and prosterity.
The second amendment says we have the right to bear _____.
Which branch makes laws?
Amendment ___, are powers not listed in the constitution, is given to the states or people.
Who wrote the Mayflower Compact agreement?
Judicial branch declares laws unconstitutional over the Legislative branch. What is this example called?
This government document limited the power of the king and protected the right of the nobility. What is this document?
In the Articles of Confederation, congress didn't have the power to what?
The people also made a goal to promote general _______.
One of the purposes of the preamble, that is also a goal, is to form a more perfect ______.
The grievances were to tell the ______ what they didn't like about him.
This amendment doesn't allow soldiers (or anyone really) to live I your house.
How many states are required to change a law?
Another goal of the preamble is to establish justice. And who was the establishment between?
________ had no power to tax.
Amendment seven focuses on ________ cases.
Amendment _____ , are powers not listed I the constitution, the fact that eight amendments are not the only rights people have.
The Resolution of Independence was to make all the colonies ___________ and free.
Could the National Government support a National Currency?
The English Bill of Rights expanded the rights of the king. It also expanded the rights of other people. Who are they?
What part of The Decloration of Independence include: Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of happiness?
Which branch carries out laws?
The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt at a new __________.
Who wrote the Common Sense phamplet?
The second reason behind the purpose of the preamble is for a ________ defense.
Which amendment protects people from fined unreasonably by the government?
This amendment says that you don't have to say anything at your trial.
Congress could not regulate _______.