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Week 4: Spinal Cord & Cerebellum

CSD 310: Neuroanatomy
The ___ fissure separates the anterior and posterior cerebellar lobes.
The flocculonodular cerebellar lobe is important for ___.
Major outputs from the cerebellum are sent out via the ___ cerebellar peduncle.
There are 12 spinal nerve pairs that emerge from this section of the spinal cord.
Nerves always supply ___ innervation to muscles on the same side of the body.
Jerky eye movements associated with cerebellar injury.
Subcortical cerebellar nucleus important for speech coordination
The anatomical name for the cerebellar midline structure.
Cell bodies for motor neurons associated with a spinal nerve are located in the ___ horn of the spinal cord.
The ___ nerve is the spinal nerve that innervates the diaphragm.
Condition of incoordination associated with cerebellar injury.
A sensory disorder associated with diabetes is known as peripheral ___.
The white matter that connects the cerebellum to the brainstem.
Highest level of the spinal column/cord.
The ___ columns of the spinal cord carry afferent information to the brain.