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Review: Phonation and Voice

This pressure is created when the vocal folds are adducted.  The expired air from the lungs becomes trapped below the vocal folds, the pressure builds up and pushes against the inferior surfaces of the vocal folds.  Subglottic pressure is needed in order to execute phonation.
Defined as the period of time during which the vocal folds move from the paramedian position to a nearly adducted or fully adducted position.
occurs when expired air from our lungs creates energy that is modified as it passes through our larynx; specifically our vocal folds, which results in the production of our vocal tone.
The ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed; stretchiness.
Pressure directly above the glottis.
This is the space between the vocal folds.
Phase of the Bernoulli effect when air flows through our restricted glottis it causes the air’s velocity to increase and the pressure to decrease, resulting in negative pressure.
This occurs when the vocal folds move towards midline.  In this position the glottis is closed.
Depicts the process of vocal fold vibration
Involves gas flowing through a smaller space that affects velocity and pressure within the vocal folds. Creates a “vacuum” effect as air is flowing from a higher pressure to a lower pressure.
This occurs when the vocal folds move away from the midline.  In this position the glottis is open.
Defined as the moment the vocal folds are adducted and continue through the first cycle of vibration.
The phase during the Bernoulli Effect in which positive subglottal air pressure becomes so great below the adducted vocal folds that it forces them to slightly abduct.
Is made up of a wide range of frequencies, and is essentially the sound that is created by our vocal folds as air passes through them.