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Midterm Review: Economic Inequality Learning Community

Meaningful communication between two or more people
This type of capital consists of resources related to interpersonal skills, and/or innate physical attributes
The fourth ____________ is the term used to describe the media, which is considered like a fourth branch of government (after the executive, legislative, and judiciary) and thus serves as another of the checks and balances on power
____________ dysfunction is when people are too overwhelmed with media input to really care about issues, so their involvement becomes defined by awareness instead of action
Speaker credibility
A relationship between variables in which they change together; may or may not be causal
Any formats or vehicles that carry, present, or communicate information
Social ____________ is the way people assign meaning to the world
A ______ problem A ____________ problem is an issue that negatively affects a person’s state of being in a society
Social ____________ is the division of society into groups arranged in a social hierarchy
The sociological ____________ is how individuals understand their own and others’ pasts in relation to history and social structure
The part of a claim that specifies what should be done, what action should be taken to address a troubling condition
This type of capital consists of financial resources
Media _____ is applying critical thinking to images, advertisements, messages
Group of people with similar interest, goals, etc.
Emotional appeals
The portion of a claim that justifies doing something about a troubling condition
The two-step ____________ model is a theory on media effects that suggests audiences get information through opinion leaders who influence their attitudes and beliefs, rather than through direct firsthand sources
The ____________ setting theory states that the mass media can set the public agenda by selecting certain news stories and excluding others, thus influencing what audiences think about
Sending and receiving of messages
Life ____________ are the opportunities people have to provide themselves with material goods, positive living conditions, and favorable life experiences.
The means for completing an act
The portion of a claim that argues that a troubling condition exists
The net value of money and assets a person has; one of the things considered when assessing socioeconomic status
Theory that suggests that audiences seek messages in the media that reinforce their existing attitudes and beliefs and are thus not influenced by challenging or contradictory information
A _______ screen is a filter that influences the way we see the world
Social ____________ are the manners of acting, thinking, feeling external to the individual, which are invested with a coercive power by virtue of which they exercise control over them.
Social ___________ is a system of stratification based on access to such resources as wealth, property, power, and prestige
An argument that a particular troubling condition needs to be addressed
Target for message, influences style, content and meaning
A relationship between variables in which a change in one directly produces a change in the other
Proper timing and due measure
Social ____________ is the ability to change positions within a social stratification system
This type of capital is the cultural knowledge that serves (metaphorically) as currency that helps one navigate a culture
Social _______ refers to the resources based on group membership
Logical appeals