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ag Homophones

A shed or shelter.
To break into small fragments.
A shoulder shaped frame with a hook.
One of the system of branching vessels or tubes conveying blood from various parts of the body to the heart.
A head director of a school.
A small island.
To ignore.
A walkway between or along sections.
Clear; completely.
The central or middle of any thing or place.
Under the legal age of full responsibility.
Any person or thing regarded with blind admiration.
A person who works in a mine.
To cut {something}
One of the divisions of a window or the like, consisting of a single plate of glass.
Guiding sense of the requirements and obligations of right conduct.
Physical suffering or distress, as due to injury.
Extensive mention in the news media.
A blade, plate, sail, etc., in the wheel of a windmill, to be moved by the air.
To become less.
A part of a book, an exercise, that is assigned to a student.
Of or relating to a warship.
Proceeding from or showing pride in or concern about one's appearance.
Not working or active; doing nothing.