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Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Medicinal practices in Asia& India;uses bio-energy;illness is disharmony; symptoms are signs body is trying to heal
Traditional medicine; mind and body are separate; treats disease after it happens
Mind focuses on single object
Touching near a patient to manipulate and detect energy fields
Insert fine needles along meridians or energy pathways
The use of Western medicine and CAM in a coordinated way
Therapy used with conventional treatment
Essential oils with strong fragrances are used to affect a person's mood or health
Helps with nausea and vomiting but unsafe in large doses for fetus
Therapy used instead of conventional treatment
The relationship among living things
May help with anxiety, induces sleep, and relieves stomach upset
Therapy helps with stress, feelings, memory, and communication
Thumb and fingers stimulate pressure joints on feet
Helps the heart and cholesterol but may interfere with digoxin levels
Therapy uses animals to help with depression and even lower blood pressure
Tissue is vigorously massaged to tightened muscles and trigger points
Manipulate spine to relieve pressure on nerves
Massage using long flowing strokes, kneading, or compression
Chiropractic, massage therapy, acupuncture and acupressure, herbal supplements, yoga
Mind-body intervention uses breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation to decrease stress; benefits digestion, sleep, concentration
Uses imagery to relax muscles, lower respiration, and promote calm
Each individual is unique; the mind, body, and spirit interact; multiple factors cause illness; patient's participate in treatment; practitioner spends more time with patient