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Motor Speech Disorders 2

The lobe concerned with: spatial orientation, memory , cross modality integration, recognition and expression of emotions and prosodic features
​A major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS that regulates excitability and pain perception
If a neuron terminates adjacent to another neuron, the junction is called a....
A site of interconnection between blood vessels. Also provides a system of revascularization in the brain collateral circulation in the case of vascular insufficiency
The brief reversal of electrical polarization of a nerve cell that serves to transmit nerve impulses
Related to limbic and sensorimotor functions including gustatory functions (taste).​
​Controls voluntary movements (contractions)of motor fibers of the spinal and cranial nerves and many involuntary muscles
A thin membrane attached to the surface of the brain. Follows the contours of the sulci and gyri.
______ projections in the cortex and limbic structures support cognition, emotion, and motivation
Controls audition, memory, thought elaboration, comprehension of spoken and written language, and olfaction.
Controls food and water intake, sexual behavior, body temperature, blood volume, body mass, reproduction
Norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are all....
Largest interhemispheric commissural fiber bundle that interconnects most cortical areas of both hemispheres
Main excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS​ that mediates fast synaptic transmissions
One of the primary neurotransmitters in the PNS and is responsible for the flight-or-fight reaction
If a neuron terminates at a muscle, it is a...
A group of structures linked to the thalamus in the base of the brain that is believed to regulate motor functions and muscle tone
Thought to be involved in overall arousal and slow-wave sleep
spends energy and prepares for fight or flight. In doing so constricts blood vessels, induces perspiration, dilates pupils, accelerates heart rate
outermost layer of the brain, attached to the surface of the skull; thickest and toughest layer; provides the most protection
Regulates pain perception