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Motor Speech Disorders

a band of fibers that connect parts of the brain or spinal cord on one side with the same structures on the opposite side of the midline
a visual representation or map indicating the location and amount of cortex devoted to each part of the body.
sudden and momentary contraction of muscle groups
refers to internal organs containing smooth muscles
back of the brain/toward the coccyx
the point at which the CNS bends just above the brain ste
toward the nose/toward the brain
The principle that states that all primary sensory and motor regions in the cerebrum are connected through association and commissural fibers
Lower brain / lower abdomen
vertical cut; divides the brain into left and right halves​
paralysis of both upper and lower limb on same side
Brain’s ability to reorganize and modify tissue functions when faced with pathology
Top of the brain / toward the back
The telencephalon and diencephalon are parts of the...
crossing of incoming and outgoing fibers at the midline
refers structures close to an anatomical site of reference
The principle that states that higher levels of organization exert influence over lower levels of organization.
any involuntary and abnormal movement. Often associated with restless movements that appear as a result of treatment for Parkinso
Palm downward or lying on the belly ​
any atypical posture with abnormal sustained muscle contraction
​When cells cluster into an outer ring mass called the...
Palm upward or lying on the back
provides nutrition before placenta develops