Form of government usually ruled by a king or queen.
Sect of Buddhism focusing on Buddha's wisdom
Government owns all property and makes all economic decisions.
Worship of many gods or deities.
Religion focusing on giving up selfish desires and following the moral teachings of the Eightfold Path to achieve nirvana.
Indian astronomer and mathematician (theorized Earth spins on axis)
Representatives of the emperor
Study of humankind in all aspects, especially development and culture.
An area ruled by a distant country
Soldiers who fight while riding horses
Athenian reformer - increased number of citizens that could vote.
Sect of Buddhism focusing on Buddha's compasion.
The first five books of the Hebrew Bible
A series of rules from the same family
A collection of hundreds of sacred hyms (composed by Aryans)
The number of "relationships" at the heart of Confucianism
Greek civilization, developed around 1600BC, knows for weaponry and pottery.
One (the final) goal of Hinduism where one is liberated from reincarnation and a person's soul becomes one with Brahman.
Wall built to hold back water.
Hinduism rule of avoiding doing harm to any living thing.
Messenian person forced to work as a lowly farmer.
The number of "Noble Truths" of Buddhism