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Speaking Listening Viewing 03 - 14

– n. – The middle of a group. Not high or low. The expected or typical amount.
– n. – An appliance that cooks something, such as rice.
– n. – A long square baked food made out of wheat pasta, cheese, tomato sauce and sometimes vegetables and meat.
– adj. – Easily seen. Not hidden.
– n. – Perception, understanding, knowing why about something.
– n. – A rope used to save someone who is in water and cannot swim. Anything that saves us or gives us help.
– adj. – able to be done or put into practice successfully.
– n. – The beginning of something in a formal presentation.
– v. – encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good).
– n. – a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
– n. – an attempt to achieve a goal.
– n. – The ability to feel the heart (or other) pain of someone else in our own heart through caring and imagination.
– n. – increase in the rate or speed of something.
– v. – To speak softly so only one or a few other people can hear you and only if they are close.
– n. – Going in order and taking turns in an orderly way.