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Medical Terminology

A Vague feeling of bodily weakness or discomfort, often marking the onset of disease
WWeak; lacking normal muscle tone
IInflammation of the breasts
TThe cessation of mentruation cervix the part of the uteras that protrudes into the cavity of the vagina;neck of the uteras
A Mature fully developed ovarian cyst containing the ripe ovum
AAbsence of menstral flow
TThe female breasts
TThe softening of the uterine cervix, a probable sign of pregnancy
MEnstral flow
TThe double layered sac that contains the fetus and the amniotic fluid during pregnancy
TThe finger like end of the Fallopian tube
TThe removal of dirt, damaged tissue, and cellular debris Fromm a wound or a burn to prevent infection and promote healing
AN increase in the pigmentation of the skin
BBlisters;small, raised skin lesions containing clear fluid
Painful Urination
TThen union of a male sperm nene a female ovum
SSexual intercourse;coitus
TThe inner lining of the uteras
A Forward curvature of the spine, noticeable if the person is observed from the side
A Mature sperm or ovum
A White discharge from the vagina
TThe form of a sugar stored in body cells, primarily the liver
SSuperior aspect of the uteras