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Structural Family Therapy

An organized pattern in which family members interact.
Subgroupings where family members are distinguished according to roles, responsibilities, age or relationship.
Reframing to illuminate family structure, helping each other change.
Boundaries that are too weak or enmeshed.
Capturing the interrelationships of family members. Similar to a Genogram.
Complementary patterns of mutual support.
Interactions suggested by the therapist as a way to diagnose structure.
Reinforcing positives to help family members use functional alternatives that are already in their repertoire.
Boundaries that are too rigid.
When the therapist briefly takes sides to realign the system.
A forceful intervention
Strengthening boundaries by urging members to speak for themselves, blocking interruptions, and helping to finish conversations without intrusion.
Invisible barriers that regulate contact between family members.
The process of building a therapeutic alliance and understanding with each member of the family.
The Pioneer of Structural Family Therapy.