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Chapter 4 and 5 Ecology

Succession occurs on bare rock and no soil
Forest that has a lot of rain and have ferns
Bands of competition among organisms
Zone where you would find tide pools
Biome that has cactus
The most diverse and productive environment on earth
Biome where you can see a badger
Dominated by trees and bushes
2 different species live closely together in harmony.
Plants have stabilized and grown to maturity
Ocean area in complete darkness
Dominated by moss
Ocean area that extends from the low-tide to the outer continental shelf.
Free floating organisms
Water type that houses organisms that normally would be washed away.
Microscopic plants
Biome that has a permafrost
Ocean area where light penetrates
Ocean area where animals are exposed to air part of the day
Ocean s largest marine zone with low nutrients
One organism captures and feed on another
Microscopic animals
The wetland that is referred to as the nursery
Dominated by cat tails
Succession where growth occurs after a disturbance
Water type where animals need to adapt to the slow and fast moving
Zone that is on the ocean floor and benthos live there.
Tall perennial grasses are found in this biome