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List 19

She loved banging the __________ together to make music.
The amount or number of things; When I ordered the books, I had to put in the __________ I needed.
An imaginary line drawn around the earth, equal distance from from both the north and south poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres
To give an account in words of someone or something
Eaget interest; zeal
This word can be used as a noun or a verb; A shepherd's job is to ________ a ________ of sheep.
Having knowledge or skill gained over a period of time.
A cruel dictator
An official document attesting a certain fact
Nicknamed the Wolverine State.
The act of repeating something; Sometimes it helps to use __________ to remember how to spell words.
Kind; courteous
Captain Hook fights with a _______________.
She is _________ the house by throwing rocks at it.
This state has no "official motto"
An inhabitant of a particular country, city or town; I am a ___________ of the United States of America.
Working on a farm requires lots of hard _________.
An agile, tree-dwelling rodent with a bushy tail
(past tense) to perceive with the ear the sound made by someone or something
(past tense) officially agree to or accept as satisfactory
Easily done; easy to reach
To give special importance in speaking or writing; She really ________ how important it is to use proper grammar.
The action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion by engaging in enjoyable, typically social, activity
William wants to work in __________ when he grows up.
A cultivated plant of the parsley family; can be eaten raw or cooked
Appealing to the appetite
To move in an orbit or circle
She had to ___________ the room to see what size rug she needed.
Knowledge and judgement based on God's Word
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