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Chapter 7, Lessons 1, 2, & 3.

Leader who reorganized the Persian government and divided the empire into satrapies.
A Greek citizen-soldier
Flat, open space in a Greek polis for gathering and markets
The name of the peninsula on which Sparta is located
People who came down from the mountain and founded the city of Sparta
Greek historian who wrote "History of the Persian Wars"
A settlement that keeps very close ties with its home polis
Spartan king who lead the Greeks into battle at Thermopylae
Early leader who expanded the Persian Empire with his strong army.
The first civilization in Greece
People who came after the Minoans and founded the city of Athens.
Slaves in Sparta, usually people from other poleis that the Spartans conquered
Greek word for "high city"; it is where the most important government and religious buildings were.
The people who are in charge in a true direct deomcracy
The shards of pottery that citizens wrote on when voting on whether or not to kick someone out of town.
Man who introduced the Persians to the idea that there is one supreme God
Persian leader who defeated the Greeks at Thermopylae
Landform in which the land is surrounded by water on three sides
A tight formation of soldiers protected by interlocked shields
Greek word for an independent city-state