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Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry

Matt's dog
The name of Kira's mother
What Branch liked to eat
A poisonous plant that grows in the society
The plant could be used to make green dye and tea
Where Matt lives
The place where people go to die
Kira had to learn how to do this with thread
The group of men that govern the society
The plant used to make blue dye
The two objects that the Singer uses during the Gathering
Thomas and Kira carve and weave this into the staff and robe
Name of the song that the Singer recites at the Gathering
The number of Guardians on the Council
The name of the main character
What the small children of the society are called
Kira knew how to do this with thread
The color that no one in Kira's society knows how to make
The building where the Council lives
The person in charge of reciting the Ruin Song
One of the plants used to make red dye
What Kira, Thomas, and Jo are
The present from Kira's father to her mother that Matt saved from the Burning
The name of Kira's father
The Singer of the future
The woman who teachers Kira how to dye thread
The number of these in your name determined how old you were
Kira's guardian and the man who attempted to kill Christopher
The yearly event that the people of the society must attend
The woman who wanted Kira removed from the society
Where Kira used to help out
Kira's younger friend
The name of the shelters that the people lived in
What the people are scared of in the woods
The thing that the people worship
Where Matt went and found Christopher
Women were not allowed to know how to do this
The Carver