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Kingdoms Crossword Puzzle

Domain with no nucleus, autotroph, or a heterotroph
Kingdom consisting of Heterotrophs, do not photosynthesise, includes unicellular and multicellular microorganisms,
Man's best friend multicellular eukaryote heterotroph covered with fur
Lives in extreme environments
Consists of prokaryotes, reproduce asexually, single-celled microorganisms.
_________ are Fungi multicellular ekaryote heterotroph feeds by absobing nutrients from dead/decaying animals
Consists of prokaryotic microorganisms, classified as prokaryotes, symbiotic and parasitic relationships with plants and animals
Multicellular ekaryote heterotroph which never grows taller than a few centimeters
Mainly multicellular, photosynthetic eukaryotes of the kingdom
There are six _________.
The ________ kingdom consists of Multicellular, heterotrophs, and eukaryotes
Kingdom ________ consists of organisms that are unicellular and multicellular, microscopic organisms, macroscopic eukaryotes , eukaryotic microorganisms.
Domain _______ Consists of Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals
_____________ Are Part of the Archaebacteri extremophilic organism multicellular heterotrophs eukaryotic growth and reproduction in cold temperatures
Eukaryotic organism unicellular reproduce asexually, by binary fission
There are three _______.
_____ are part of the eubacteria kingdom it is a chemoheterotroph whose chemically defined medium must include a source of carbon and energy prokaryotic model organism