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There and Back Again: a Hobbit's Holiday

The colour of goblin blood.
Bilbo was found where after the Battle of the Five Armies?
The name of the man who saved Lake-town and killed Smaug.
Thorin's cousin Dain is from where?
The King of the wood-elves has a weakness for?
The first words Bilbo spoke to Gandalf.
Tea is when?
Far over the ______ ________ cold.
The name of the dwarf who was crowned King under the Mountain after Thorin perished.
Thorin Oakenshield was Thror's what?
The name of the dragon that stole the Lonely Mountain.
Bilbo Baggins was a ______.
The hobbits of the Shire presume Bilbo was _______.
The type bird that has a good alliance with the dwarves.
The dwarves and Bilbo escaped Mirkwood using?
The King's jewel or the heart of the mountain.
Bilbo forgot his _________ at the beginning of his journey.
"My ___________. " whispered Gollum.
The name of the main type of food the people of Lake-town provided Thorin and company with.
One thing elves love to do.
The first day of the dwarves' New Year is called?
The Answer to the riddle; alive without breath, as cold as death, never thirsty, ever drinking. All in mail, never clicking.
What word drove the spiders mad?
The last word Thorin Oakenshield spoke to Bilbo.
The name of Bilbo's sword.
How many of Thorin's company were killed.