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Gatsby 1

One rumor states Gatsby is a bloodthirsty this...
What Myrtle buys that shows her irresponsibility
Daisy's best friend - full name - no space
College Gatsby is rumored to have gone to
Gatsby's greatest feature that shines
1920's term for a person who sells illegal liquor
This character's husband is cheating on her - full name -no space
What Tom broke when arguing with Myrtle
Town that Gatsby claims he is from (not in the mid-west) - no space
Symbol that Gatsby reaches toward - no space
Last name of mechanic
Name of doctor whose eyes are on billboard
What Gatsby gave Nick and what no other party-goer had
Full name of woman Tom is cheating with - no space
Types of books in Gatsby's library
Jordan's profession
This character is a racist - full name with no space
Narrator's first name
Village Tom lives in - no space
Village Gatsby lives in - no space
What George borrowed when he married
This Interrupts Tom and Daisy's dinner