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Night Crossoword Puzzle

Looked like the other SS officers. He looked cruel and intelligent. He was in charge of selection.
A daydream
A grouping standing in line waiting
This was the concentration camp that Elie's father died in
Disagreeably harsh sounding; disorderly
Showing no interest or concern
Most worthless part
Forewarning or foreboding of a future event
An external covering that helps protect the body
A person wearing glasses
He was the poorest of the poor of Sighed. He taught Elie about the Kabbalah.
Clear understanding
A play filled with ridiculous or absurd happening ; broad or far fetched; a sham
In a tolerant manner
Having a progressive infectious disease
A flattering act or remark meant to persuade
Elie's father
Continuing in an unchanging tone
Cancel or postpone the punishment of
Perplexed, confused, or puzzled
To be dishonest with
To hinder; to obstruct; to burden
A bottomless gulf or pit
A resident leaving a country and settling somewhere else
Article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
Somebody, usually young, with a thin, fragile appearance who looks needy
The main character of the novel. He is also the narrator. His father dies.
Too numerous to be counted
Constantly; without interruption
A short stout club used primarily by policemen
Brief, often amusing stories
Power; influence; a hard strike, usually to the head
A furnace where a corpse can be burned and reduced to ashes
A facial expression of fear
Resembling a beast or showing lack of intelligence and reason; inhumane
To explain in detail
This is the town where Elie Wiesel was born in
The Kapo of the warehouse of electric materials. He has a quick temper.