The beginning point for a river.
The main ingredient in soil
Water that falls from the sky.
A flower often given on Valentine's Day.
This is to bird as seed is to plant.
A first person pronoun meaning more than a single person.
Carbon is brown matter and nitrogen is ____ matter.
Tool used to shape soil around plants, remove weeds and harvest root crops.
To make new plants from older ones.
This is a good way to get rid of table scraps and yard waste.
Order that butterflies belong to.
Process plants use to make their own food
Not wanted in the garden.
Anchors plants into the ground and helps prevent erosion.
Do this to soil before planting.
Any plant matter that is still green adds this to compost. It will heat up the tiny animals, bug and microorganisms.
People, ants, elephants, worms are all part of the animal ____.
An area where plants are grown.
Insects do this several times as they go through metamorphosis.
Part of the plant that makes the food.
Woody part of a tree that is part of the transportation system.
About two thirds of all the fresh water is unavailable for drinking because it is frozen in these.
Used by insects to smell and taste.
Insects that eat rotting material are examples of insects that are ____.