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Ethics For IT Workers and IT Users

The obligation to protect people against any unreasonable harm or risk.
A calling that requires specialized knowledge and often long intensive academic exposure.
The act of providing money, property, or favors to someone in business or government to obtain a business advantage.
A subgroup of the board of directors that provides assistance to the board in fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to ethics.
A government-issued permission to engage in an activity or to operate a business.
To be in accordance with established policies, guidelines, specifications, or legislation,
The failure to act as a reasonable person would act.
The failure of one party to meet the terms of a contract.
An agreed-upon set of skills and abilities that all licensed professionals in a particular type of profession must possess.
Falsely claiming competence in a skill, usually because that skill is in high demand.
An effort to attract public attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous act by a company or some other organization.
A recognition that a professional possesses a particular set of skills, knowledge, or abilities -- in the opinion of the certifying organization.
The failure to do what a reasonable person would do, or doing something that a reasonable person would not do.
A hardware or software device that serves as a barrier between an organization's network and the internet.
The crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or trickery.
The misstatement or incomplete statement of a material fact.
A conflict between a person's (or firm's) self-interest and the interests of the client.
A person for whom a hardware or software product is designed.
Information, generally unknown to the public, that a company has taken strong measures to keep confidential.