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Chapter 9: Crossword

Sydney Weyenberg
Hemorrhagic spots.
Removal of breast tissue.
An increased of monocytes in the blood.
Patients condition in the early morning , approximately 12 after last ingestion of food.
Abstinence from food or beverage.
Rupture or lysis of the blood cells.
Cloudy or milky appearance.
Loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen.
An increased amount of necrophiliacs in the blood.
This can be caused by excessive application of tourniquet
Swelling caused by lymph accumulation in the tissues.
Low levels of bilirubin in the blood.
Too much body fat.
Hardened veins.
Closed veins.
Change in body's function or fluids that occur during daylight hours or every 24 hours.
Low platelet count.
Leakage of blood into the tissues into organ.
This begins during puberty in girls 9-17 last between 3-7 days.
Cloudy or milky appearance, referring to serum.
Blood clots in cardiovascular system.
Reclining position.