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Chapter 12 - Tooth Morphology

Divided into three.
Area in which two roots divide.
Area in which three roots divide.
Pertaining to a permanent tooth that does not replace a primary tooth.
Teeth located in the posterior aspect of the upper and lower jaws.
Sloping areas between the cusp ridges.
A developmental groove that crosses a marginal ridge and serves as a spillway, allowing food to escape during mastication.
Wide, shallow depression on the lingual surfaces of anterior teeth.
Study of form and shape, as of the teeth.
External vertical bony ridge on the labial surface of the canines.
A three-cusp type of mandibular second premolar.
A two-cusp type of mandibular second premolar.
Raised, rounded area on the cervical third of the lingual surface.
A space between two teeth.
Slight ridges that run mesiodistally in the cervical third of the teeth.
A developmental groove that separates a marginal ridge from the triangular ridge of a cusp.
The fifth supplemental cusp found lingual to the mesiolingual cusp.
Most prominent developmental groove on the posterior teeth.
Major elevation on the masticatory surfaces of canines and posterior teeth.
Rounded enamel extension on the incisal ridges of incisors.
Area between two or more root branches.