Pip meets ___ at Mr. Wopsle's great aunts school.
_______ attacked Pips' sister.
Estella allows pip to ____ her cheek.
Great Expectations was written in ___.
The story starts on _________ Eve.
Estella _______ Pip's face.
Dickens was buried in the ______ of London.
Pip thinks Molly could be Estellas ______.
Pip's full name is ________ Pirrip.
Estela insults Pip by pointing out his __________.
Farmers had lots of children because there was no birth__________.
John dickens was put into Marshalsea ________.
Pip plays _________ with Estella.
Author of Great Expectations
The story begins in the country area ___.
Magwitches name becomes Mr.________.
Pip goes to Miss Havishams _____ afternoon.
Joe Gagery is Pips ___________ in law.
Pip finds a entrusted ______ in Biddy.
Wemmick only gives _________ advice.
Who helps nurse Pip's hand wounds?
Queen Victoria reigned _____.
Magwitche's wife must be ___.
Estella is mean to Pip and makes him ___.