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Classroom Assessment

Process of building on the concept of the teacher as a practical researcher, we now describe how the teacher assesses students' development of literacy
Asses both product and process through a series of stages. Ex: Writing portfolio can show a student's progression from early planning about a task to the final draft
The best information about student learning often comes from looking and listening. Teacher must know how to look and listen because it can be hard to instruct and observe.
Requires teachers to act as a researcher, creating situations that support success
Students are not identical peas in a pod, and assessment must adapt individual differences
Rubric system also provides information about reading comprehension. Includes benchmarks, or samples, at each level, along with an explanation of why the work received a particular grade.
Teacher-based assessments builds on a rich array of data sources, including observations, class discussions, and intuitive judgements.
Spend time with individual students, not in an on-the-fly conversation or formal assessment, but in 1 or 2 minute sessions around a particular question with a particular student.
Are planned around the scope-and-sequence chart, a road map of specific objectives laid out in a predefined order. These systems also offer many indicators of student performance.
A design is a refinement of the original question, a plan for arranging conditions and deciding what to asses
Lays out selected curriculum strands such as story comprehension, vocabulary development, and expository skills.Teachers must know how to meet individual needs, how to organize students and how to plan activities.