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Hormones of the endocrine system produced by the anterior pituitary, hypothalmus, adrenal, pancreas, thyroid, posterior pituitary and parathyroid glands.
Slows down removal of water from the blood
Stimulates synthesis and release of thyroxine from thyroid
Stimulates production of mature eggs in ovaries and sperm in testes
Opposes Insulin
Stimulates protein synthesis for cell growth
Increases metabolic rate of cells
Stimulates melanocytes to produce melanin
Increases calcium levels
Regulates blood volume and blood pressure
Stimulates milk production in birthing mothers
Tells the anterior pituitary gland to release TSH
Signals to the kidney to absorb less calcium
Released with epinephrine
Stimulates hormone release of cortisol
Controls the secretion of anterior pituitary gland hormones
Prepares uterus for implantation of fertilized egg
Released with norepinephrine
Controls rate of metabolism and stress levels
Opposes Glucagon