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Consumer Behavior - Chapter 8

Dr. Cynthia Rodriguez Cano
Discontinuous is a type of this
This promotional activity is regulated by the FTC
Major reason consumers use social media
Likeliness of outcome when product knowledge and involvement is high
These consumers are older and of less social status
Sneaker culture, for example
Another name for product sampling
Individuals share information verbally, abbrv.
Go-to person for specific type of information
Method by which innovation spreads
This group of consumers are the smallest in size than other adopters
Positive reference group
A/k/a as Market Mavens
Often used in coordination with other promotional activities
These consumers are younger, highly educated, and risk takers
Group/person used as guide for behavior
A way to create value
These consumers are relatively inflexible and locally oriented
Either in or out
Group influence type a/k/a as utilitarian