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The Great Depression and New Deal

Who won the election of 1932?
What was the program that Harry Hopkins was overseeing known as?
Who was FDR trying to restore confidence in with his first inaugural speech?
What is the act where the govn. paid farmers not to use their land and to kill off excess livestock
What stopped banks from being able to invest in the stock market?
Who did the republicans nominate in the 1932 election?
What dealt with the Tennessee Valley and addressing flooding and natural disasters within the TV?
What was the name of the group of veterans that camped near the capitol demanding they get their money?
What means to not be able to do anything because you are not allowed to?
How much did the stock market lose in a span of 24 hours when the bubble burst?
What replaced the Wagner Act and allowed for more collective bargaining?
What does CWA stand for?
About how many executive orders did FDR use throughout the Depression?
Who did the democrats nominate for the 1932 election?
In the first three years of the depression, how many banks closed nationwide?
What was the name of the places homeless people were living in known as?
What was the three-month period after inauguration between Congress and President FDR known as?
What was the act that pumped money into the economy for job programs and provided relief for the unemployed called?
At what age did the Social Security Act of 1935 allow you to get a pension?
What were the chats FDR gave on the radio called?