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Dramatic Elements

Reference to a person, place, thing, or idea of historical, cultural, literary, or political significance
Notes in the script that usually describe where and when a scene takes place, how the characters should say their lines, and how the characters should move on stage
Stresses human greatness while ending with death
Author of a play
Recurring element that has symbolic significance in a story
When words express something different from the truth or someone says the opposite of what is known to be true
Protagonist versus something inside of themselves
Character in a story who contrasts another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character
Play on the multiple meanings of a word, or can exploit the idea that words sound alike but have different meanings
Stresses human weaknesses while ending happily (almost always a wedding)
Great or virtuous character who is destined for a downfall, suffering, or defeat
An act is broken down into many different parts
Long speech given by a character that can only be heard by that character and the audience
Place where a drama takes place
Speaker or character detaches themselves from reality and addresses an imaginary character in his or her speech
Protagonist versus an outside force
Character trait that leads to the hero's downfall and defeat
What the characters say to each other in speech
Typical character; an action or a situation that seems to represent such universal patterns of human nature
When the audience knows something that the characters on stage do not know
Long speech given by only one character while other characters are listening
Character's dialogue is heard by the audience, not other characters on stage. This provides the audience with special information about the characters on stage or action of the plot
Rowdy group of people that sang, danced, and made comments about the action on the stage
A play is broken up into many different parts, ranging from 1 to 5