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General Anatomy & Physiology 2

The lower jaw bone which is the larges and strongest bone of the face is the
The bicep is the muscle that is on the inner front side of the upper
The muscles that coordinate in opening and closing the mouth are the masseter and the
The sternocleidomastoideus is the muscle that rotates and lowers the
The large thick triangular shaped muscle that covers the shoulder and lifts and turns the arm outward is called the
The tendon that connects the occipitalis and the frontalis is the
The peroneus brevis originates on the lower surface of the fibula and bends the foot down and
The three parts to a muscle are the insertion, the belly and the
The heavy long bone that is above the knee is the
The ________ artery divides into separate arteries known as the anterior tibial and the posterior tibial.
The muscles that straighten the wrist, hand and the fingers to form a straight line are called the
The nerve that supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg is the _____ nerve
Chemicals, massage and heat can all stimulate
The corrugator muscle draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the
The front portion of the epicranius is the
The larger of the two bones that form the lower leg is the
The epicranius is the muscle that covers the top of the
The nerve that supplies impulses to the toes and foot as well as muscles of the skin of the leg is the _____ nerve
The supinator muscle turns the ____ outward and the palm upward
The muscle that assist in the swinging of the arms is called the
The food is made up of how many bones
The muscles located at the base of each digit and which separates the fingers are called the
The muscle that is located beneath the frontalis and orbicularis oculi is known as
The orbicularis oculi is the muscle that give our eye the ability to
The muscle that extends from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin and which is responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip is called the
About 40% of the bodies weight is represented by
The nerve that extends down the leg, just under the skin, supplying impulses to the muscles of the skin of the leg, skin and toes is called the superficial ________ nerve