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Man of Steel

Stalin's chief concern.
Stalin banned this in 1936, causing childbirth rates to increase.
The government agency that administered and controlled the main Soviet forced-labor camp system; _______ system
Stalin made these out of Eastern European counties.
This Stalin-run agency was a group of spies who collected information from all over the world.
Included public police force and sent opposition to prison and labor camps.
This Soviet force was closely associated with the NKVD, or People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs.
Ethnic languages and culture were highly discouraged to promote this.
Stalin supported the elimination of _______ enterprise.
The Great Purge got rid of experienced _____ ______ officers.
Stalin valued __________ development.
A campaign of political repression in the USSR from 1936-1938.
Hilter broke this agreement with Stalin, which said they would not attack each other.
This was the result of Stalin taking away land from rich farmers and creating state-owned farms.
Under Stalin's rule, these rates were significantly increased.
The act of bringing in numerous small farms to create one collective and state agriculture.
This group of people was repressed by the Great Purge.
Enemies of Stalin were shot or sent to __________.
This hid Stalin's sense of insecurity.
The divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition by Stalin were call _______ Tactics
This person helped Stalin achieve a high position in the Central Committee of the Communist Party.