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Acts 11

Who had told Peter, "John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit"?
What did Agabus predict would spread across the entire Roman world?
In what city did Barnabas and Saul meet with the church for a year, teaching many people?
To what brothers and sisters did Saul and Barnabas deliver help from those living in Antioch?
Who did the church in Jerusalem send to Antioch when they heard Greeks were turning to the Lord?
What event did Peter include when he told the believers the "whole story"?
Who criticized Peter for going into the houses of uncircumcised men and eating with them?
Where did some men from Cyprus and Cyrene share the good news with Greeks?
Who is described in chapter 11 as, "...a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith"?
Who did Barnabas look for in Tarsus
Who did the apostles and believers hear had also received the word of God?
According to Peter, how many times did the voice from heaven say not to call anything impure that God had made clean?
What was the reaction of the circumcised believers when Peter finished his explanation about the Gentiles?
Whose killing caused believers to be scattered to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch?
How many brothers went with Peter when the Spirit said to go the the house in Caesarea?
Who said, "...who was I to think that I could stand in God's way?"
Where were the disciples first called Christians?