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Acts 9

What happened to Tabitha?
Whose voice said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
What did Peter say to Aeneas?
What was the Greek name of Tabitha, the disciple from Joppa?
What things that Dorcas had made did widows show Peter?
Who breathed out murderous threats against the Lord's disciples?
With whom did Peter stay after he raised Tabitha from the dead?
From where did a light flash as Saul was on his way to Damascus?
What was wrong with Aeneas, whom Peter found in Lydda?
What did Paul preach in Damascus after his sight was restored?
What was Ananias to do when he got to Judas's house on Straight Street?
For how many days was Saul blind?
How did Saul's followers get him out of the city?
Who kept watch on the gates of the city of Damascus day and night in order to kill Saul?
What did the believers do when they learned the Hellenistic Jews wanted to kill Saul?
What did Saul see when he opened his eyes after hearing the voice speak to him?
What did Paul want to do to men or women who belonged to the Way?
Who brought Saul to the apostles in Jerusalem?
What fell from Saul's eyes after Ananias placed his hands on him?
About whom was it said the he, "---raised havoc in Jerusalem among those who call on this name"?