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The Exile

Portrait of Trust because of his faith when faced with the lions
Son of Jehoiakim who is a weak and and wishy-washy king
Said to be Jeremiah's scribe
The kingdom that sacks Judah and Jerusalem
Prophesies that the poor will be the remnant
Prophesied during Josiah's reign about the fall of Assyria to Babylon
King of Babylon during Jehoiakim's reign
Prophet before and during the Exile who was persecuted for his message
The law that will be "written on their hearts."
This prophet questions WHY God hasn't punished Judah
The 8th period of the timeline represented by the color "baby blue"
The kingdom that sacks Israel and Samaria
The poor who are the chosen from whom God will rebuild Israel
This is the second part of this book written toward the end of the exile.
Son of Josiah who becomes a terrible king as a puppet of Egypt
A type of servant who is innocent and reveals an image of Christ
The book that portrays the "blues"
Prophet deported to Babylon known for his gifts of drama, symbols and storytelling
King that sacrifices his son; grandfather of Josiah
The king that releases the Jews to return to Judah.