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Inner Ear Crossword Puzzle

Outer/Inner Ear Crossword Puzzle
Narrow Passage Permitting Equalization of Pressure On Each Side Of The Eardrum
(Also Called The Stapes) Last Part of 3 to transmit vibrations to the Oval Window.
(Also Called Incus) Tiny Bone That Passes Vibrations From The Hammer To The Stirrup.
Spiral Cavity Of The Inner Ear
(Also Called Malleus) Connected Behind The Eardrum
Membrane Of Middle Ear That Vibrates In Response To Sound Waves
Air Filed Central Cavity Of The Ear, Behind The Eardrum
Area That Contains The semicircular Canal And Cochlea
The External Part of the Ear in Humans and other Mammals.
Tube Running From Outer Ear to Middle Ear.