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Earliest Humans

_______baby, the earliest discovered A. africanus
An organism that walks on two legs
Type of molars found in Paranthropus species
Australopithecus bahrelghazali was found here
_______ crest, a bony protrusion that goes across the skull's top from front to back
The family who brought us Kenyanthropus platyops
The earliest possible hominid. Hint: It was found in Chad
Material that helped to preserve and date the Laetoli footprints
_______tools, the earliest stone tool technology. Hint: Usually associated with H. habilis
The genus of pre-Australopithecines that was found in Kenya. Hint: No skull was discovered
He discovered A. sediba in South Africa
Australopithecus species found near the first butchered animal remains
The genus name for robust australopithecines
The name of the earliest species of Australopithecus
The 40% complete skeleton of A. afarensis
_________canines sharpen every time the mouth is opened and closed