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Non-Human Primates

Term for wet-nose, such as that found in prosimians
Behavior said to calm primates as well as clean their fur or hair
Type of chimpanzees that have strong female bonds
Swinging beneath branches. Hint: Hylobatids engage in this type of locomotion
Extremely sexually dimorphic African primate; the male has a colorful face, rear, and genitals
Referring to faces that are fairly flat
A type of prosimian that is similar to a loris, but lives in Africa
The only great apes in Asia. Hint: They display a great deal of sexual dimorphism
Type of New World monkeys with prehensile tails
Type of teeth that are all the same, like in reptiles
Living, at least for the most part, in trees
The descriptor given to the dominant (or alpha) gorilla of a group
Perhaps the first person to observe chimpanzees use tools. Hint: She was hired by Louis Leakey
Another term for New World monkeys
The SJSU alumna who went on to study mountain gorillas
Pair-bonding primates, such as gibbons and siamangs, are said to be _______
Colobines eat leaves, which makes them _______
A primate named after its elongated foot bones. Hint: Some classify it as a prosimian, others note that it is a haplorhine
When adults still look like juveniles. Hint: Squirrel monkeys and other cebines display this trait
The only nocturnal monkeys