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The Progressive Era Cross-Word

the right for women to vote
passed in 1906 gave the ICC to maximum rates that railroads could charge
passes in 1913 and allows congress to enact a federal income tax
passed in 1913 calls for direct election of senators by voters
journalists who created awareness of America's lower class
the banning of sale, transport, and making of liquor
president in 1913 and focused mainly on banking reform
passed in 1919 and outlawed the making, selling, and transporting of alcohol
moderation in drinking habits
people who supported the right for women to vote
founded in 1892 by the farmers' alliance and was a reformer party dedicated to the people
when public office is used for illegal purposes
passed in 1906 and required manufacturers to list ingredients on the label and tell the truth about drug side effects
believing that the government should be changed to be more responsive to the people's problem
an election open to all and elects a candidate