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Pauls Letters to the Pastors

How many letter did Paul write to the pastors?
Requests, intercessions
Paul likened Timothy to a ___ becasue he was to be the first to receive a share of the crops.
Paul tells us that character and ___cannot be separated.
The theme of first Timothy is Instructions on ___?
What is another word that is used when one comes alongside and teaches another?
What island was Titus sent to?
What did Paul call Timothy?
To correct
All Scripture is God breathed or __?
Paul likened Timothy to a ___, because he was to please the one who enlisted him.
We are to beware of ___ teachers.
Knowing, being and ____ are all important in our walk with God.
Synonymous with "to lie".
The theme of 2nd Timothy is Instructions on ___?
Where did Paul write the letter of 2nd Timothy?
Paul likened Timothy to an ___because he was to compete according to the rules.
What is the most important qualification on holding a leadership position?
Where was Timothy's church located?
Unmerited favor
Timothy's mother was Jewish and his father was ___.
Another word for bishop
The theme of Titus is ___ in the church.