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Acts 8

What signs did Philip perform that caused people to pay attention to what he said? #1
Who asked the Ethiopian eunuch what he was reading?
What di the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip about what he was reading?
What did those who had scattered due to persecution do wherever they went?
What did the Ethiopian eunuch see that led him to ask about being baptized?
What had a man named Simon practiced that amazed the people of Samaria?
What signs did Philip perform that caused people to pay attention to what he said? #2
Who baptized the Ethiopian eunuch?
What did Peter and John do in order for the new believers in Samaria to receive the Holy Spirit?
Who went from house to house, dragging off men and women and putting them in prison?
What was Simon's response to Philip's message?
What man is said to have approved of the killing of Stephen?
Whose proclamation of the kingdom of God led the people of Samaria to be baptized?
Who directed Philip to the desert road leading from Jerusalem to Gaza?
Why, according to Peter, did Simon have no share in their ministry?
What did the Spirit of the Lord do to Philip after the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch?
What signs did Philip perform that caused people to pay attention to what he said? #3
What did Peter and John pray that the new believers in Samaria would receive?
What was the Ethiopian eunuch reading in his chariot traveling home from worshiping in Jerusalem?
What did Simon offer the apostles if they would agree to give him the ability to give the Spirit at the laying on of hands?