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Unit 2, Chapter 1

Cole King
GEO - 6
worlds longest mountain range that runs along the western edge of south America
one of Latin America’s significant natural resources
a river such as the amazon that serves as transportation
Mexico and Venezuela are leading _____ producers
frosts are common in the winter months
Source of many medications in Latin America
covers eight million square miles of land and has three different regions
Small Caribbean country with a population slightly greater than New York City
Hills and lower flat lands that form a plateau
High flat plains where the Andes are widest
mountain range in which many Caribbean islands are part of
Mountains located in central America along with the central highlands
The southernmost region of Latin America
Southernmost tip of south America
Parallel Mountain ranges
river in South America
Major deposits of this substance along with natural gas occur along the Gulf of Mexico
Lowlands that hem the Gulf of Mexico
The middle region of Latin America
a broad plateau located in Brazil
Plateau in Brazil along with Mata Grosso Plateau
Smaller rivers that flow into a larger river
oldest Spanish language newspaper in the Caribbean
Latin America has few large ____