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Systems of Equations

Teacher: CPT Galloway's Puzzles
A function that is a combination of more than one function or equation bounded by conditions for each on a graph.
A rule used to solve a coefficient matrix that contains only the coefficients.
To ___________ is to find the best possible amount.
Every square matrix has a ____________.
It is precipitating _____ and dogs.
A set of equations with no solutions.
A __________ function is a function where f(x) equals a real number.
A set of equations with exactly one solution.
__________ Programming used to find minimum or maximum values over a system of inequalities.
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The name of a plot of data also referred to as a dot plot.
You can multiply matrices only if the number of columns _________ the number of rows.
Regions are enclosed or _________ by constraints.
_________of equations with two or more equations with common variables.
The __________ integer function appears like a table of steps.
A third-order 3X3 determinant can be solved by the _________ rule.
A system using an ordered and rectangular array of variables and constants to find a solution.
The point where one function equals the same value of another function sometimes referring to cost analysis.
A system with at least one solution.
A matrix _________ can be used to solve a system of equations.
Two or more functions with the same slope are______________.
If the inner dimensions of a matrix are equal, the product is___________
A method whereby algebraic skills are used to solve for a variable and substitute to find the other.
A solution to systems in three variables is called an ordered____________.
A method used to solve a system of equations where like coefficients are used to eliminate others.
Matrix that is square and equals the same matrix when multiplied by another.
A function that contains an algebraic expression within absolute value symbols.
An set of equations with an infinite number of possible solutions is:
First name of your President.
A matrix that has the same number of rows and columns can be called_________.
A constant multiplied into a matrix.
A region where graphing is used to determine the possible solution bounded by constraints.
A _________ function is the graph of the simplest graph of an equation within a family.
Opposite of wet.