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Happy 60th Al!

Worked as this in high school
Where Al and Debbi met
Al is a ---- man (part of body)
A bean curd
Al's favorite country to visit
You won't see Al doing this for exercise
Al's dad's name
Al's favorite grooming product
Al visited here last October
Al is this and he knows it
Age of UAMCO
He enjoys mountain and ---- biking
Business newspaper's acronym
Name of the cat Al had for 23 years
Drafted by this team out of high school
Al loves a lemon meringue
Small piece of land surrounded by water
Houses many of Al's toys
Al's favorite celebrity vet, Dr. ---
Al's favorite TV show
Adds value to your face
First place Al kissed Debbi
High school Al graduated from
Third planet from the sun
Al's favorite speed
Name of Trump's son
Age Al lost his virginity
Al makes many purchases from this online company
When seriously making repairs, Al wears this
Al's cologne
Al makes these for a living
Last dog added to the family
An 'F Bomb'
Al's middle name
Al would love to visit this celebrity's garage
A word Al seldom uses with Debbi
Al & Debbi honeymooned here
Al loves this type of food
A favorite veggie in Al's diet
Color of most cars Al drives
Al overuses this word
Favorite dog's name
If he wasn't a broker he'd be this
Name of Al's first pet (french for toy)
Decor Al admires most
Al's mom's first language
Happens during sex
Al took lessons but still cannot do this
Al's favorite cocktail
Even when upset you will not see Al do this
Store Al frequents most
Al loves to work on this part of the car
Al's favorite movie
Al's favorite female singer
Where Al proposed to Debbi
Al uses these when fixing things
"In your ------"
One and -----
This person can help golfers
Al loves to play ----- with Debbi