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The Jeffersonian Era

Appointed to committee of Foreign affairs.
Appointed as governor of the Indian Territory by Jefferson.
The ship fired on by the "Leopard."
A religion which focused on the exsistance of God but not involved with the affairs of Humans.
The Battle that weakend the Northwest Native Americans and weakend their ability to defend their lands.
Lifted all embargoes on U.S. shipping except for those going to British and French ports.
A naval vessel.
Speaker of the House in 1811.
Felt opposition from the Federalist party up until Jackson's victory at New Orleans.
Demanded the conquest of Canada.
A light boat propelled originally by oars but later by sails.
The act of seizing for public use or of impressing into public service.
Known as the "prophet."
Formal withdrawal from an organization.
Slaughtered natives at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend.
To charge(a public official) before a competent tribual with misconduct in office.
Advocated war with Britain.
To join together materially.
A constitutional doctrine that gives to a court system the power to annul legislative or executive acts which the judges declare to be unconstitutional.
Chief of the Shawnees and powerful leader.
Emperor of the French empire.
Ended the War of 1812.
Inventor of the Cotton Gin.
Act that prohibits ships from entering or leaving a nation's ports.
The party that celebrated British victories in New England.