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Ethical Concepts

The right to make one's own decisions
Persuading others to change their attitudes, values, behaviors or beliefs
A designated plan or course of action for a specific situation
Allows all involved individuals to have a part or the share in decisions
The obligation to tell the truth
An obligation to accomplish a task
Speaking or acting for those who may not be able to speak for themselves
Carrying out the agreements, commitments, and responsibilities one has undertaken.
The act of committing harm or evil
The commitment to do or bring about good for patients' interest
The steps or processes spelling out how a nursing activity is to be completed
Treating all patients fairly regardless of age, condition, race, religion, or sexual orientation
Activities of a group are determined by a leader and dictated to the followers with no input from the followers on decisions
The duty to protect the patient's safety or do no harm
Having control. influence, or domination over something or someone
Managers provide freedom for coworkers, and decision making is dispersed throughout the group
Subordinates are involved in decision making, and leaders see themselves as coworkers
Individual who is responsible & accountable for accomplishing the goals of the organization
Anyone who uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal