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A device which builds up a weak electric current into a stronger one.
The antisubmarine escort craft which are protecting a convoy.
The loss of energy by a sound wave when it strikes an obstacle which does not reflect it completely.
Uniform in temperature.
A unit of measurement of intensity of sounds.
The saltiness of water.
The multiple echoes reflected from the surface, bottom, and many small irregularities in the water.
The part of a sound wave where the particles are packed together more closely than normal.
A continuous back and forth movement, producing sound waves in the medium.
Number of cycles per second.
The loss of energy by a sound wave caused by its striking such irregularities in the water as seaweed, fish, and then trapped air bubbles.
The part of a sound wave where the particles are thinned out to less than normal density.
The formation of a series of vacuums when propellers are turning so rapidly that the water does not flow in immediately as the blade passes through.
A device that produces an alternating current at a particular frequency.
One thousand cycles.
The mixing of two frequencies to obtain the beat frequency, which is the difference between them.
Operates both as a hydrophone and as a transmitter.
The weakening of a sound wave as it travels, caused by losses due to friction, absorption, and scattering.
Any device for picking up sound waves from water.
A device which causes a sound to change in pitch continuously.
A cone of sound waves, such as is used in echo-ranging.
The tendency of an object or an electrical circuit to respond well to a particular frequency, but poorly to other frequencies.