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Early India (Chapter 6)

Highest mountains in the World
Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha; taught that the way to find truth was to give up all desires
Large landmass that is part of a continent but distinct from it
Person who travels to go to a religious shrine or site
A series of steps that solve a problem
Founded India's first empire
History's first great Buddhist king
In Hinduism, the good or bad energy a person builds up based upon whether he or she lives a good or bad life
Religious teacher and spiritual guide in Hinduism
Line of rulers from the same family
Rebirth of the soul or spirit in different bodies over time
In Buddhism, a state of wisdom and freedom from the cycle of rebirth
Lowest class in Indian society; also known as Pariahs
Invaded the Indus River Valley and destroyed the Harappan civilization
Buddha says one should follow this in order to eliminate suffering
Social group that a person is born into and cannot change
Prince who led an Aryan tribe in India
System of religion that grew out of the religion of the Aryans in ancient India
Explained by Indian mathematicians; something without end
Written language developed by the Aryans
Tallest mountain in the world (Google it)
Buddhist shrine that is shaped like a dome or mound
Government headed by religious leaders
Buddhist teaching that explains suffering
Hindu writing that teaches how its noble to do one's duty even when it is difficult and painful
In Hinduism, the universal spirit of which all gods and goddesses are different parts
Strong wind that blows one direction in winter and the opposite direction in summer
In Hinduism, the divine law that requires people to perform the duties of their caste
Runs south of the Himalaya and flows into the Indian Ocean
declared sacred and forbidden to be used as food
Most Indians belonged to this caste
Ancient Indian hymns and prayers used for religious ceremonies
Idea that means nothing; invented by Indian mathematicians