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The Verdas and Hinduism II

The Hindu name for the divine force which is more powerful than all other gods, that everything is a part of
______religion and way of life of which is more powerful than all other gods, that everything is a part of.
Law, obligation, and duty-Hinduism teaches that everyone must follow their own dharma and perform their duties well
Harappan an Indian civilization of northern India which lasted from about 2700-1900 BCE
Collection of sacred writings including verses, hymns, prayers, and teachings of early Hindusim or Vedism
Place or hill of the dead. Large city in the Indus River valley which declined after 1900BCE
The belief that the way a person lives their life will affect their next life (people are born into a certain caste because of the deeds of their past life)
The belife that a person's soul is reborn into a new body after death, in a continuous cycle
Cycle of birth in Hinduism the cycle of birth death and rebirth that ends when a person's soul is united with Brahman.
Social system of the Hindu religion, made up of four varnas of classes; priests, rajas and warriors, merchants and peasants, and servants
Indo-Europeans are tall lighter-skinned people who migrated into India around 1500BCE bringing with them the Vedas.